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“有一种低调叫做矜持的血...”这段话 是说cf爱拍夏佐的有谁知道整段_cf夏佐爱拍个人空间


cf爱拍夏佐 开头曲第一首歌,歌词有this is ten persents luck之类的好多persent!谁能解答!

歌名Cult Of Personality
look into my eyes, what do you see?
cult of personality
i know your anger, i know your dreams
ive been everything you want to be
im the cult of personality
like mussolini and kennedy
im the cult of personality
cult of personality
cult of personality
neon lights, a nobel prize
the mirror speaks, the reflection lies
you dont have to follow me
only you can set me free
i sell the things you need to be
im the smiling face on your t.v.
im the cult of personality
i exploit you still you love me
i tell you one and one makes three
im the cult of personality
like joseph stalin and gandi
im the cult of personality
cult of personality
cult of personality
neon lights a nobel prize
a leader speaks, that leader dies
you dont have to follow me
only you can set you free

“有一种低调叫做矜持的血...”这段话 是说cf爱拍夏佐的有谁知道整段

有一种信念叫佐手海鸥魂,有一种技术叫海鸥之声,有一种霸气叫7.16,有一种爱叫她是光芒,有一种神情叫眼神在脸,有一种低调叫矜持的血,有一种隐私叫^^,有一只狗叫斑斑(呸= =有一种可爱叫斑斑)。